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Chinese translation for "scrub oak"


Related Translations:
scrubbed:  纯净的精炼的
bubble scrubbing:  泡沫除尘
mallee scrub:  桉树灌丛(澳洲)
apricotfacial scrub:  杏仁脸部柔和磨砂膏
scrub warbler:  薮短翅莺
scrub target:  已勾销的目标
scrubbing oil:  洗油
cactus scrub:  仙人掌灌丛
sack scrubbing:  用麻袋布研磨
surgical scrub:  术前洗消液
Example Sentences:
1.Carl was telling her that nothing was going to grow in that area but scrub oaks and pines but she wouldn ' t believe him
2.Lush grass blanketed the banks under scrub oak , and 14 ) lichen covered rocks of all sizes 15 ) peppered the fields around the stream ? this was danni ' s place
郁郁葱葱的草就像地毯一样铺满冬青叶栎下面的河岸,各种尺寸的岩石散布在河流四周的牧场上,岩石上布满了青苔? ?这就是丹尼的地盘。
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